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updated: 2024-04-09

Commemorative plaque
 in Munich:
"Heisenberg might have slept here"

Dr. Ike Nassi is a Computer Scientist. He is an IEEE Fellow (citation: "for leadership in parallel and distributed systems and adaptive systems"), a Fellow of the IEEE Computer Society, as well as a Senior Life Member.  He is also a Life Member of the Association for Computing Machinery.  He is named on over 40 patents (see below) with other patents in progress.

He has a long-held technology philosophy:  “Machinery” (broadly based, including processors, operating systems, databases, caches, networks etc.) can dynamically adapt by looking at the results of its own behavior and then adjusting it's own future behavior to improve performance; and, it can do much faster than humans can (including programmers).

He was the founder, chairman and CTO of TidalScale, a software  pioneer which developed a software architecture called distributed virtual machines.  TidalScale's software, sitting below an operating system and above bare metal commodity hardware, aggregates commodity servers together to create a  single virtual server to address challenging Big Data problems for in-memory SQL and NoSQL databases, large-scale analytics, simulation, and computational genomics.  Because resources are virtual, they can migrate from node to node in the cluster and can be dynamically added and removed, allowing for hardware scalability, reliability, and resiliency.  Instead of requiring application software to be customized for a specific computing environment, TidalScale's software allows a customer to tailor the computing environment to the needs of application software with no modification required.  HPE  acquired TidalScale's products and intellectual property in December 2022.

He is an Adjunct Professor at the Baskin School of Engineering, UC Santa Cruz since 2011.  He's a member of two research labs: Languages Systems and Data and the Storage and  Systems Research Center (a.k.a. Center for Research in Systems and Software).

He is also a founding trustee of the Computer History Museum.  He has served on its Executive Committee, its Nomination and Governance Committee, and has been the chair of the CHM Fellows Selection Committee for many years. The Computer History Museum published his oral history.  A transcript is available.

In the past, he was an Executive Vice President and Chief Scientist at SAP AG. At SAP, he and his group explored advanced new enterprise technologies and applications for use in multinational corporate environments. He started SAP's Global Business Incubator, whose goal is to start up new businesses within SAP. He also started and operated the SAP Sponsored Academic Research Program, over five years supporting a hundred sponsored research projects in universities in several countries.  His last individual research at SAP was designing and building "Enterprise Supercomputers" for Big Data applications.

While at SAP, in 2009-2010 he was in residence as a visiting scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), where he is currently holds a research affiliation.

He started one of the first mesh networking companies, Firetide.  Earlier, he had been Vice President of Product Development and Operations and Chief Technology Officer at InfoGear Technology Corporation which was acquired by Cisco June 2000.  InfoGear developed an internet-connected intelligent phone, called the iPhone in 1997 with built in web browsing and email. 

Prior to joining InfoGear, he was a Senior Vice President and a Corporate Officer at Apple Computer, where he led its AppleSoft Division until November 1996. At Apple he was responsible for all system software, including MacOS.  His three main contributions at Apple were the introduction of the Mach microkernel, which is now used in every iPhone, iPad, and Macintosh, and a study that led to an investment in Acorn RISC Machines, now ARM.  ARM processors are now used in all iPhone, Macs, and iPads, as well as most other mobile devices. While at  Apple he testified before the U.S. Congress on the
Emerging Telecommunications Act of 1991, supporting the reservation of public access radio spectrum for  wireless local area networks that we now think of as 802.11 WiFi.

Prior to working at Apple he helped start Encore Computer Corporation, a pioneer in the design and development of shared memory multiprocessors.  Under a DARPA research contract, he and his team developed the idea and an implementation of hierarchically organized distributed cache coherent shared memory multiprocessors. Today these servers are in standard use.

Before that worked at Visual Technology, Digital Equipment Corporation where he worked on the VAX superminicomputer and SofTech Inc where he worked on software for the F-16 and the B-1 aircraft.

He has served the Federal government in several capacities.  He holds a Certificate for Distinguished Service from the U.S. Department of Defense for his design work on the programming language Ada.  He also served for six years as a member of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Information Systems and Technology group, advising DARPA on information science research priorities, for which he was awarded another Certificate for Distinguished Service.

Throughout his career, he has been involved simultaneously in industry and Academia.  He has been a visiting scholar Stanford University, twice a research affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a visiting scholar in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of California at Berkeley. Early in his career, he taught Computer Science at Boston University.

He was on the advisory board of the School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, the advisory board of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Northwestern University and the Center for Wireless & Information Technology at Stony Brook University.

He is also a founding member of the IEEE Computer Society's Industry Advisory Board.

Previously, he served on the Advisory board of Viewpoints Research (founded by Alan Kay) and he served as a member of two women's advocacy groups: he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology, and an advisor to Watermark.

Here is a list of his publications and speaking engagements.

During the pandemic, he wrote some software to manage Desktop Images (i.e. Wallpaper) on a Mac.  It is written using Keyboard Maestro, and can be downloaded here.

Secure.IO recently published a podcast interview.

Dr. Nassi holds an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Mathematics from Stony Brook University. Stony Brook's Computer Science Department published this announcement.  In 2008 he completed a global leadership development program at INSEAD.

CV: Download Ike's CV here.

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Company Country Inventor(s) Patent  # Grant Date Title
1 FireTide PCT Keith Stuart Klemba, Isaac Robert Nassi, David Neil Cornejo, Lawrence Alan Rosenthal 100425 11/18/04 Dynamic Adaptive Inter-Layer Control of Wireless Data Communication Networks
2 FireTide US Keith Stuart Klemba, Isaac Robert Nassi, David Neil Cornejo, Lawrence Alan Rosenthal 7305459 12/4/07 Wireless Service Point Networks
3 FireTide US Keith Stuart Klemba, Isaac Robert Nassi, David Neil Cornejo, Lawrence Alan Rosenthal 7522731 4/21/09 Wireless Service Points Having Unique Identifiers for Secure Communications
4 SAP US Asuman Suenbuel, Ike Nassi
8108234 1/31/12 System and Method for Deriving Business Processes
5 SAP US Yuecel Karabulut, Isaac Nassi 8843415 9/23/14 Secure Software Service Systems and Methods
6 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi 9191435 11/17/15 Selective Data Migration Or Remapping Of Virtual Processors To
Provide Required Data Accessibility To Processor Cores
7 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi 9609048 3/28/17 Resource Request And Transfer In A Multi-Node
Distributed System
8 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi 10187452 1/22/19 Hierarchical Dynamic Scheduling
9 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi 10205772 2/12/19 Selective Resource Migration
10 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, Kleoni Ioannidou, David P. Reed, I-Chun Fang, Michael Berman, Mark Hill, Brian D. Moffet 10353736 7/16/19 Associating Working Sets And Threads
11 TidalScale S. Korea Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed 10-2051282 11/27/19 Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
12 TidalScale Japan Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed 6652646 1/27/20 Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
13 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, Mark Hill, I-Chun Fang, Kleoni Ioannidou 10579421 3/3/20 Dynamic Scheduling Of Virtual Processors In A Distributed System
14 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, Kleoni Ioannidou, Michael Berman, Mark Hill, Brian D. Moffet, Jeffrey Paul Radick, David P. Reed, Keith Reynolds 10579274 3/3/20 Hierarchical Stalling Strategies For Handling Stalling Events In A Virtualized Environment
15 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi 10623479 4/14/20 Selective Migration Of Resources Or Remapping Of Virtual
Processors To Provide Access To Resources
16 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, Kleoni Ioannidou, Brian D. Moffet, Michael Berman, David P. Reed 10620992 4/14/20 Resource Migration Negotiation
17 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi 10645150 5/5/20 Hierarchical Dynamic Scheduling
18 TidalScale Germany Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed 602016037237.1 5/27/20 Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
19 TidalScale European Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed 3356936 5/27/20 Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
20 TidalScale France Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed 3356936 5/27/20 Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
21 TidalScale UK Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed 3356936 5/27/20 Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
22 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, Kleoni Ioannidou, David P. Reed, I-Chun Fang, Michael Berman, Mark Hill, Brian D. Moffet 10783000 9/22/20 Associating Working Sets And Threads
23 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed, Mark Hill 10817347 10/27/20 Entanglement Of Pages And Guest Threads
24 TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, Kleoni Ioannidou, Michael Berman, I-Chun Fang, Mark Hill, Brian D. Moffet, Jeffrey Paul Radick, David P. Reed, Keith Reynolds 11023135 6/1/21 Handling Frequently Accessed Pages
25 TidalScale USA David P. Reed, Isaac R. Nassi, Gary Smerdon 11050620 6/29/21 Dynamic Reconfiguration Of Resilient Logical Modules In A Software Defined Server
26 TidalScale Japan Isaac R. Nassi, Kleoni Ioannidou, David P. Reed, I-Chun Fang, Michael Berman, Mark Hill, Brian D. Moffet 6924820 8/4/21 Associating Working Sets And Threads
Isaac R. Nassi
Hierarchical Dynamic Scheduling
28 TidalScale China Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed
Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
David P. Reed, Isaac R. Nassi, Pete Jarvis
Fast Boot
TidalScale USA Isaac R. Nassi, David P. Reed
Network Attached Memory Using Selective Resource Migration
Leon Dang, Keith Reynolds, Ike Nassi
Virtualized I/O
TidalScale USA Isaac Nassi, Ioannidou, Moffet, Berman, Reed

Resource Migration Negotiation
USA David Reed, Isaac Nassi
11487451 B2 9/15/22
Fast Restart Of Large Memory Systems
Isaac Nassi, Hill, Fang, Ioannidou
Scheduling Resuming Of Ready to Run Virtual Processors in a Distributed System
Isaac R. Nassi et al
11449233 9/20/22 Hierarchical Stalling Strategies For Handling Stalling Events In A Virtualized Environment
David Reed, Isaac Nassi, Pete Jarvis
11656878 B2 US020210132979A120210506 5/23/23
Fast Boot
David Reed, Isaac Nassi, Gary Smerdon
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Resilient Logical Modules in a Software Defined Server
HPE PCT Gary Smerdon, et al 2023/137317 A1 2023-07-20 Memory Wear Leveling (Application)
Isaac R. Nassi et al
11803306 B2
Handling Frequently Accessed Pages
Gary Smerdon, et al
2023/229691 A1
System Wear Leveling (Application)
Eric Fitzpatrick, et al
2024/005875 A1
High Availability Systems Having Thinly-Provisioned Secondary Servers (Application)
Brian D. Moffet, et al
2021/0132979 A1
Goal-Directed Software-Defined NUMA Working Set Management
Isaac R. Nassi, et al
11907768 B2
Entanglement of Pages and Guest Threads


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